Painting: The Death of Russia

A lot of my paintings are like heavy metal songs in that, rather than just painting kittens or a plate of cheese, I am drawn to subject matter that is titanic, epic, or earth-shaking. Thus it was that I came to paint "The Death of Russia." Luckily, of course, Russia is far from dead. Under the wise tutelage of President Putin, it continues to thrive.

The work is in acrylic paint. The surface used was a disused "Risk" game board. The picture depicts a creature inspired by the Communist leader Lenin and (possibly) the monster from the movie Alien. This work symbolizes the Russian revolution, with its chaos, violence, and spirit of poisoned modernity. The Lenin creature drags itself across an apocalyptic landscape, from the onion domes of the East to the skyscrapers of the West, as its guts trail behind it, symbolic of the way that humanity has eviscerated itself in the 20th century.

After that unfortunate experience, Russia has now returned in some degree at least to the traditionalism represented by those onion domes.
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